How to connect Counter with

Manage your reservations and availability through Counter! All you need to do is follow these simple steps.

Before requesting the connection, please check the following:
  1. Availability: Must be updated in Counter. This means you should have all the reservations. Only the ones might be missing. Find out more here
  2. Currency: Verify that your currency setting in our system matches your currency in If you have a multi-currency set up, please contact us.
  3. Rate plans: Check you have already created and updated in Counter the rates you want to have in Be aware that if you have a Non-derived rate plan in, you must create it in Counter as well. Find out more here
  4. Room Types created in need to be in Counter and always with same setup and maximum capacity. 
    ⚠️ For dorms, the room type should be ‘Bed in dorms’ and the maximum guest = 1.
  5. Taxes: Check their setting. It should match between Counter and For e.g.: If you have a Tax set as included in Counter, then in it should also be included.

Please do not proceed to connect until you are sure that all the above looks good. Should you have any doubts, just contact us.

Once you have checked your configuration, please proceed to connect to This process consists of 2 stages:

Note: If you are currently connected to a channel manager, please disconnect the old connection before adding this new one.

Stage 1 - Requesting connection through your extranet

  1. Log in to your extranet account.
  2. Go to "Account" (top right) → Select “Connectivity provider" from the drop-down menu.
  3. Then, click “Search” → write down ''
  4. Click Next and accept (if you wish to accept) the XML service agreement to request a connection.

Stage 2 - Finish your connection and mapping (Counter Workspace)

  1. Go to the beds tab → 'Channels' → ''
  2. Click  ‘Set up now’ → Add your ID → 'Test Connection'.
  3. Map your Room Types and Rate Plans: This means to connect your Counter room types and rate plans with each room type and rate plan. Further details here: How to do or change your mapping?

Note: You can always make changes to your mapping inside the Channels tab.

After the connection and mapping are completed, you will have to manage your Rates and availability from Counter.


Import future reservations:

If you want to import all your future reservations from the OTA, please request it to - If you have already created them manually, you will need to delete them after the import is complete.



Any of these scenarios might cause Overbookings or availability issues if they are not correctly configured:

  • A Room Type or Rate Plan is created in the OTA and not in Counter.
  • There is a mismatch in the Maximum Capacity of a Room Type between the OTA and Counter.

If you spot any of the above cases, please go to your OTA account and correct the set up.


Should you have any doubts or issues, please contact us.