How to add a new Room in Counter?

Below you will find the step-by-step to add rooms and open their availability online.

First, it is important to understand the difference between Room type and Room. Please read this article 🔗 carefully. 

  1. Create the Room Type/s🔗associated to that Room (if it is already created, you can ignore this step)
  2. Create the Room: Click here🔗 to find the step by step.
  3. Update the Rates. Availability will not be opened until the room type has rates.  Click here🔗 to find out how to update your Rates in Counter.

To make it available in any OTA (including Hostelworld), you must also:

  1. Create the Room Type in the OTA's extranet. 
    For Hostelworld, you can create it through Counter by going to the beds tab → Channels → Hostelworld → Room Types → '+' (top left).
  2. Map the Room Type and its Rate Plan/s.🔗


If you have any further doubts, please contact us.