Bed & Breakfast Rates

What is Bed & Breakfast Rate 

Bed and Breakfast Rate (B&B Rate) is a rate that includes breakfast. 

B&B Rate creates an opportunity for properties to sell breakfast in advance of customer stay. B&B Rate can be added as amount only. Setting up breakfast as a percentage rate (%) will not work.

Properties can add two optional rates with breakfast:

  • Standard Bed & Breakfast Rate
  • Non-refundable Bed & Breakfast Rate

How to add Bed & Breakfast Rate

Bed and Breakfast Rate(s) need to be added in property inbox to every room the property wishes to add breakfast for.

Property on channel manager needs to map the newly created breakfast rate(s) in inbox to a breakfast rate(s) in its channel manager. Once all rates are mapped prices should feed through from property channel manager.


  • Click on Rates & Availability tab
  • Add your Bed & Breakfast Rate by clicking on  Bed & Breakfast Rate button under the selected room type 
  • Add your Non-refundable Bed & Breakfast Rate by clicking on Non-refundable Bed & Breakfast Rate button under the selected room type 

  • Add your Bed & Breakfast Rate value (applies to properties using inbox only)
  • Map your Bed & Breakfast Rate added in inbox to your breakfast rate in channel manager and push your breakfast rate to Hostelworld (applies to properties using channel manager only) 

Bulk Update on Bed & Breakfast Rate 

Bulk Update will let you update your Bed & Breakfast Rate for long periods up to 3 years.

Steps to Bulk Update Bed & Breakfast Rates:

  • Click Bulk Update button to open it
  • Select a Bed & Breakfast Rate from the Rate Types drop-down menu
  • Select a Room type you wish to update
  • Add value for your Bed & Breakfast Rate
  • Add date range you wish to update *
  • Select days you wish to update (week/ weekend)
  • Click Update Information to save your changes


* You can update 365 days at once, so please select next range if you wish to add B&B Rates for more than a year. We support updates for up to 3 years. 


Rate Restrictions on Bed & Breakfast Rate 

Rate restrictions such as Stop SellMin/Max LOS, can be added in the exact same way via inbox or property channel manager as they are now for a standard and non-refundable rate.

How do properties know if a booking is a breakfast rate booking

The info about breakfast is captured in inbox  and xml response sent to property channel manager.


How do customer use the new Bed & Breakfast Rate

Customer will see information about breakfast on Hostelworld booking page and its confirmation email.


How to add Bed & Breakfast Rate Video Tutorial

Please see video tutorial showing you how to add Bed & Breakfast Rate