Opt in to Black Friday Deals
How can you opt in?
- Only hostels who provide Hostelworld with competitive discounted rates will be included in our Black Friday campaign. If rates are not competitive we reserve the right to remove properties from the campaign.
- The higher the discount, the more exposure your hostel will receive. Our premium Black Friday placements are limited so in cases where there is high demand they will be offered to the hostels providing the most attractive discount for Hostelworld customers.
- You can select up to 6 dates where a lower discount (min 5%) can be applied. We will release the time frames for 2023 Black Friday deals at a later date.
- The discount should apply to both Standard and NRR rates where applicable.
- Hostelworld reserve the right, in its sole discretion to amend these terms and conditions and the application thereof, where necessary, in Hostelworld’s sole discretion. The decision of Hostelworld shall be final in all respects and no correspondence shall be entered into.
- By clicking on the link in Inbox to commence providing competitive discounted rates, properties have agreed to these terms and conditions.