Setting up Capsules or Pods

Login onto your Hostelworld Inbox and go to "Rates&Availability Tab". Then, click on "Add/Edit Room Types" and then on 'Add New Room Type"

Capsules and Pods will work as individual beds within a dorm. To create one of these room types, please fill in the following sections:

Room Grade: choose between Basic, Standard, Deluxe, Superior

Number of Guests - enter the actual number of capsules/pods available within the room - please note a capsule/pod is considered a bed for 1 person

Room Type - select between:

  • Mixed Capsule/Mixed Pod - the capsule/pod is located in a room where both female and male guests are accepted
  • Female Capsule/Pod - the capsule/pod is located in a room for female guests only
  • Male Capsule/Pod - the capsule/pod is located in a room for male guests only


Number of Rooms - add the number rooms containing capsules/pods your property has

Ensuite - select whether the room has an ensuite bathroom or a shared one


Custom Name: Give the room type a name, for example, 4 Bed Blue Dorm, you can name the room type anything you want, but please note that this name will not appear online, it is for your reference only.

Room Description: here you can say a bit more about the room type, for example: TV in room or lamps beside each bed. Once you have added your description an automatic email will be sent to us, we will then update it, so it appears online.

Weekday and a Weekend Price – only available to Inbox users.  If you are entering the price for a capsule or pod room, please enter a 'Price per Person' rate.

**Your availability will be automatically opened on Hostelworld for one year from the day the room has been created. Please ensure you update your availability through the main Calendar**

Please note: for security reasons it is not possible to edit the rooms configurations. In that case you will have to delete it and create a new one.

See below a couple of examples of capsules and pods: