How to view Credit Card Information via Hostelworld Inbox?

You can view Credit Card info - with a manager and/or a credit card viewer access - via your Hostelworld Inbox.

To access the credit card details, bring up the booking details page and click on “Credit Card Information”. Please note this option is only available to manager and credit card viewer profiles.

You will then be required to enter your username and password, after which an activation code will be sent to your email address.


The activation code will only be required first time you are trying to access the credit card details on the day. Any subsequent requests to view the credit card information will only require entering a security code:

If you are using a channel manager 

We send credit card details to a number of channel manager partners.
You can double check with your Channel Manager if they have this enabled, or alternatively contact for any further questions on this.

For all other channel managers, you will need to log into Hostelworld Inbox to retrieve the credit card data, as shown above.

As Hostelworld is PCI compliant, there are a number of restrictions on credit card details.

  • Credit card details are stored in the system up until 7 days after the scheduled check out date, due PCI Regulations.
  • Unable to store & display CVV/CVC code. However if your business is listed as an accommodation provider you should be able to charge anyway by bypassing the code. Contact your bank or the credit card company for more information.